Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas Tree a' calling

Jacob helped us put ornaments on the tree this year. He especially liked it when we finally plugged the lights in.

The Cousins

Jacob and Tyler enjoyed the nice weather this holiday weekend.

Mom and Daughter

Here is a picture of my mom and sister. I thought it might be nice to have some other faces on our blog besides just Jacob.

The Happy Couple

Tyler wasn't all that interested in eating pizza so he entertained himself by playing with a little car instead.

Pizza Time

Jacob enjoyed showing his Nana and Bubba how well he can draw circles, kitty cats, bushes, etc. Of course, they all look about the same but he doesn't quite see it that way!

Turkey Trot 2007

Jason, Jacob, and I went to the Turkey Trot this year at Iroquois Park. Jason ran a good race while Jacob and I walked the short course. Actually, I walked and carried Jacob. He decided that he didn't like the cold and would rather be carried - who knew?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Tumbling Tots

Jacob and Jason are taking a tumbling class at the YMCA. Jacob has been doing somersaults, swinging from the bar, running and tumbling down a ramp and lots and lots of jumping. He loves it! Jason is even getting in on the action, as you can see from the picture!

Another snooze...

Do you see a pattern here?

"I just can't take it anymore..."

Not even an ice cream cone could keep Jacob awake!

Jacob and the Fire Truck

Jacob loved exploring the fire truck and as you can see, he fit right in!

Shrek and Jacob at Trunk or Treat

Jacob and I went to the Trunk or Treat at Northeast Christian Church. He wasn't sure what to do with his treat bag at first but once a few people put candy in it, he began to beeline it from one person to the next. He really enjoyed dancing to the tunes and even got out of the candy line to go say hello to Shrek. Despite what the picture shows, he is a big fan of Shrek, just from a distance.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Craft Day at the Weilage's

We had some friends over on Monday for crafts - Ian, Joshua, Reagan, and Macy. We made a mailboxes, funny faces with yarn, pompoms, and bobble eyes, and bugs. It was a lot of fun although I think that it ended up being more "mom crafts". We also learned that 2 year olds are too young to use markers (Jacob thought they were for snacking!).