Friday, February 15, 2008

Fondue Date Night with Building U

Marshall finally gave up at our Valentine's Day Fondue Date Night party. As my sister would say, he just "couldn't take it anymore".

Happy Valentine's Day

Jacob's Best Buddy, Duck

Jacob loves his duck. "Duck" (his love for Duck far exceeds his creativity in naming him) is his best buddy.

The Weilage Boys

Four Months Old

Marshall Judah Weilage had his four month birthday on February 12th. He weighed in at 18#5oz and is 26" long. He is still a very active little guy, always trying to sit up and constantly kicking and wiggling. He is much more aware of what is going on around him. He is starting to talk and smile all the time - what a cutie!

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Jason and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on February 1st with our customary pizza and a special treat - strawberry cake, decoratated similar to our wedding cake.

Marhall and the Exersaucer

Marshall is finally strong enough to hold up his own weight so can use his exersaucer now. He enjoys batting at the various toys and bouncing on his legs. He sure is growing up quickly!