Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Caring Bridge

We have begun a website for Megan in order to update people on her treatment and status as we go along and also give people some direction in how to best pray for her. It is
www.caringbridge.org/visit/meganweilage .

Thank you for your continued prayers! Be bold! Be Strong! And keep the faith!!! Thank you.


That jumparoo tires Meg out!

Meg and Jack Jack

MJ came along to cheer on his big brother

It is a good thing that God gave us strong immune systems as I caught MJ licking the gym floor. I guess he got a little bored...

Jacob is playing bitty basketball - he says that it is only a little fun... Maybe we need to go back to swimming!

Meg's new seran wrap baths

Megan was diagnosed with an optic pathway glioma, a brain tumor that is isolated to her optic pathways, on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009. We have begun a long journey in treating her condition - fifteen months of chemotherapy, lots of waiting and lots of prayers. She is a brave and strong little girl and with God's providence, we will prevail.

We are trusting that God will heal our little girl and will restore everything that has been damaged by this tumor. Mark 2.12 ends the story of Jesus healing the paralytic this way: "This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!" This is our prayer for Megan as well - complete and total healing!

We are asking everyone to pray faith-filled, miracle-seeking prayers for Megan and we are grateful for a God who hears us and is acting on her behalf. Praise God!

Daddy's brave little girl!

Meg makes even hospital gowns look good!

A strange place to sleep

Marshall got stuck between the bed and the wall. Eventually he went to sleep. I had no idea until I came in and found him there. Bad Mommy!

Uncle Clint and Megan


Meg's new boots

Mommy and the "little kids"

Happy 40th Anniversary!

the boys' first snowman

A big tree

Our cabin had a tree inside that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. It even had a fireplace.

Play! Play! Play! That is all we heard from MJ in Gatlinburg!

Jacob loves his Nina

Marshall really gets "into" his food!

Meg loves her jumparoo

even a diaper can be a toy sometimes

Rochelle drew the pictures on the wall and then she and I painted them. What a fun mural Aunt Rochelle created - so bright and cheery! Thank you Rochelle!

A happy girl

still a kid at heart

even grown-ups can have fun on the plasma cars

what a great ride!

Megan ate quicker than Grandma Fern could spoon it in

Nina and her boys

where's Daddy???

Is that a dragon?

What a fearsome Storm Trooper

Happy Halloween!

All that bouncing made Megan a big sleepy

MJ had fun opening his birthday presents

Meg is learning to eat food like the big kids!